WADI DEGLA takes control of LIERSE, a Belgian second division club with serious financial problems. Egyptian leaders want to create an elite training structure in Belgium. Having already appealed to JMG Football for similar projects in Egypt and Ghana, they decide to propose to our company the direction of this structure what we accept.
January 2008
Signature of the contract between WADI DEGLA and JMG FOOTBALL which marks, officially, our arrival in Europe. This will be a new adventure on a third continent, a 9th country and the 8th Academy in activity.
February to May 2008
Several detections and observations are made mainly during the school holidays.
May 2008
Aruna DINDANE, who made the good days of Anderlecht, agrees to be the godfather of this Academy.
June 2008
At the beginning of June, a hundred players from all over Belgium are invited to a training day. The same operation is organized at the end of the month. Following these days, about thirty players are summoned to the final stage scheduled for August.
August 2008
The first final stage for this new Academy is organized from August 11 to 14, 2008. This course is a bit special because it takes place in the presence of Jean Marc Guillou, Vincent Dufour, Olivier Guillou, Eric Decroix, Mustapha Kharoubi and more Younes Zerdouk and his faithful assistant Thomas Caers. Indeed, a seminar of the company is organized with all Managers and Technical Directors in the wake of the course.
33 players are present, 7 will join the Academy to compose the first nucleus.
33 players are present, 7 will join the Academy to compose the first nucleus.
September 2008
Beginning of the training of the first nucleus in the infrastructures of Sporta allowing us to begin in good conditions, in particular thanks to the installation of a heated tent for the training always barefoot in the respect of the method JMGF. Visit and training with Diabis, Academician of the 1st promotion of Ivory Coast and former player of Beveren.
October 2008
A second final stage is organized, under the direction of Vincent Dufour, to complete the first core. 14 players are invited to participate, 5 of them join the Academy, and two more in the following weeks.
December 2008
1st vacation for the 14 Academicians after 4 intense months of work, rocked by 4 hours of training and 4 hours of lessons each day.
January 2009
First matches of the Academy against the club of Local Saint Gilles, football team that is ranked second in its championship (cadet). The matches were played with four field players plus three substitutes, with handball goals and in our heated tent. These matches took place in the form of a small tournament of 3 teams including two of the Academy.
Match Results:
* JMG Academy 1 – Local ST Gilles: 18 – 2
* Academy JMG 2 – Local ST Gilles: 15 – 3
* Academy JMG 1 – Academy JMG 2: 14 – 5
Match Results:
* JMG Academy 1 – Local ST Gilles: 18 – 2
* Academy JMG 2 – Local ST Gilles: 15 – 3
* Academy JMG 1 – Academy JMG 2: 14 – 5
May 2009
During a match organized at RC LENS training center, it is planned to visit Aruna DINDANE. Our sponsor will be happy to show the facilities of his Club to children who will not be stingy with questions and will leave with an autographed photo of Aruna.
June 2009
New final stage. This time 6 players will be recruited.
August 2009
After a month of vacation, the Academicians and staff flew to the USA and a rich tour of teaching humanly and sportingly. This trip will mark a turning point for life at the Academy thanks to a better knowledge of the other. This invitation from Mount Pleasant Soccer Club, located in Charleston, South Carolina, will remain one of the best memories for everyone. In addition to the heavenly place, the welcome of the Americans was extremely warm and allowed to link long term. Although this tour had a holiday look, the two sessions a day were intense and the games played on the spot of high quality.
September 2009
For this new season, the children have the pleasure of discovering a new tent of 50 on 60 meters as well as new classes and a large room of relaxation and games.
December 2009
For this final stage, 7 players have caught our attention, 4 will become new academicians.
June 2010
For this 3rd summer camp, 5 players out of 19 invited to join the JMG Belgium Academy.
August 2010
Forgot the US tour last year. This year, a change of scenery with the discovery of Africa and the visit to the Academy of Bamako in Mali. This adventure will introduce children to another lifestyle and culture. Training and games as well as visits to villages on a memorable 670km bus trip to Mopti or a visit to a fabric factory will undoubtedly be rewarding experiences for young Europeans. Material poverty can serve personal enrichment.
September 2010
The number of players increased to 27, a new organization is set up with two groups of trainings. We now have two separate promotions.
November 2010
Youssef Salimi since 1 year with us, leaves the Academy of Belgium to continue his adventure in Chonburi. He left for 2 months in Thailand to temporarily replace Eric Decroix, then should join the Academy of Bamako. Good luck and good luck and thank you for everything you brought us.
January 2011
The JMG Belgium Academy welcomes 3 new players: Nezar, Nour-Eddine and Francis join our organization on January 10th.
April 2011
Before the Easter holidays, the Dutch-speaking Academicians passed exams before the commission in Brussels. In total they made 61 exams with 55 passed for only 6 failures. The examiners in Brussels congratulated the JMG Academy for this success of 90% (55/61).
Congratulations to the Academicians and all the teachers even though there is still a lot of work to be done.
Congratulations to the Academicians and all the teachers even though there is still a lot of work to be done.
May 2012
The Academy JMG Belgium receives for the first time an Academy (JMGEgypte) on its soil.
July 2011
Our one-month tour of Egypt was a very rewarding experience from every point of view. Matches and training of good quality in a beautiful environment. An academy at the seaside, a great weather and good games, that happiness!
Football (training, tournament, games), swimming pool, beach, nap, restaurant meals, it was the program of a typical day.
This internship will remain a turning point in the training of our young academicians.
Football (training, tournament, games), swimming pool, beach, nap, restaurant meals, it was the program of a typical day.
This internship will remain a turning point in the training of our young academicians.
September 2011
From now on, for the schooling most of the courses are done with machintoch computers, we work with a company: LACOS who sends us teachers for each subject.
Entry of 2 new academicians: Hotman BOUSSAID and Hamza BAHAID promotion 3 born in 2000.
Those are the only 2 players selected at this final stage of June 2012.
Now we are 28 academicians: 15 for promotion 1, 9 for promotion 2, 5 for promotion 3.
Entry of 2 new academicians: Hotman BOUSSAID and Hamza BAHAID promotion 3 born in 2000.
Those are the only 2 players selected at this final stage of June 2012.
Now we are 28 academicians: 15 for promotion 1, 9 for promotion 2, 5 for promotion 3.
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